Highest Quality – Polyphonic (polytonal & polyrhythmical) Performance
Excerpt from Peter Hübner's Book: “Natural Music Creation
Motif Recognition

Rec­og­niz­ing the idea un­derly­ing the mu­si­cal motif is like an im­pulse of be­com­ing con­scious in life; for, the lis­tener ex­peri­ences how a natu­ral in­born in­ner-hu­man abil­ity pene­trates an ar­ti­fi­cialy put-on men­tal-psy­chical limi­ta­tion with­out re­sis­tance.

Function of the Musical Motif
When, for ex­ample, some­one thinks nega­tively about some­one else and re­jects him be­cause of a cer­tain at­ti­tude, still the thought may come to his mind, “Oh, what a nice face he has!”

The Flexibility of Disposition
Here the ob­server real­izes that the posi­tive thought – of the nice ex­pres­sion on the face of the other per­son – has a con­structive ef­fect on him­self, while the for­mer, nega­tive thought had a de­struc­tive in­flu­ence.

The Influence of the Thought on the Thinker
This prac­ti­cal, per­sonal re­ali­za­tion of the in­flu­ence of a thought on one’s self en­ables the lis­tener to safely es­tab­lish his in­ner na­ture in the proc­ess of evo­lu­tion and to sys­tem­ati­cally con­struct his per­son­al­ity through pru­dent self-strength­en­ing de­ci­sions, and to cul­ti­vate his char­ac­ter on this basis.

The Fundamentals of the Inner Formation of the Musical Motif
Thus, the think­ing man learns to make de­ci­sions which pro­mote his own in­ner growth and si­mul­ta­ne­ously cre­ate a posi­tive in­flu­ence on his fel­lowman.

Coordination of the Inner Growth with the Environment
In clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion this mecha­nism of in­ner crea­tiv­ity is de­scribed by the motif-tech­nique: It in­spires the lis­tener to take charge of the cul­ti­va­tion of his char­ac­ter and through his effort, through higher and higher as­pi­ra­tions, rise to the realms of beauty and radi­ate a re­ju­ve­nat­ing in­flu­ence into the world.

The Musical Radiation of the Classical Musician
Here the in­tel­lect re­veals in­creas­ingly higher quali­ties of life in in­creas­ingly higher lev­els of or­der and thus cul­ti­vates the lis­tener’s natu­ral, healthy sense of judge­ment of feel­ing and un­der­stand­ing.

Development of a Natural and Healthy Judgement
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  With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL